New Mexico PERA has added two new strategies in its fixed income portfolio, while eliminating EM Debt portfolio | MarketsGroup

The Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico, headed by chief investment officer Michael Shackelford, has added bank loans and long-term government bond strategies to its fixed income sleeve, alongside eliminating its EM Debt portfolio.

The $16.3 billion pension plan, as presented by consultant Meketa, allocates 6.5% to long term government bonds and 9.8% to its bank loans sleeve within its Fixed Income bucket, as per to the recent allocation changes.

New Mexico PERA has also in

Maryland Plans $400 Million Allocation to its Infrastructure Sleeve this Year | MarketsGroup

In an interview with Markets Group, the CIO of State of Maryland Retirement and Pension System, Andrew Palmer spoke about allocating $400 million this year to stay on the path to reach their infrastructure target by 2026. Allocations to real estate managers are expected to be muted while above target and the real estate market is slow.

In recent times, global political distress and fluctuating interest rates have shaken up most allocator’s portfolio and the $64 billion pension system are no d

Alaska Permanent Hikes Private Equity And Private Income Targets | MarketsGroup

The $78.6 billion Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation increased its private equity and private income targets, while reducing its real estate targets following an asset allocation study.

Private equity target, for fiscal year 2025, was increased to 18% from 15%, private income’s target increased to 10% from 9%. Real estate faced a decrease to 11% from 13% and tactical opportunities and cash to 1% each from 2% each, effective from July 1.

“The relative case for private equity is stronger than it

Exclusive: NYC CIO Steven Meier Discusses Strategies and Sectors for AI Investments | MarketsGroup

Steven Meier is the chief investment officer for $278 billion New York City Retirement Systems, which includes New York City Employees' Retirement System (NYCERS), the Teachers' Retirement System for the City of New York (TRS), the New York City Police Pension Fund (POLICE), New York City Fire Pension Fund (FIRE), and the New York City Board of Education Retirement System (BERS). As fund managers and allocators gravitate towards investing in AI, Meier discussed the strategies and sectors he find

Data Centers to Become the Epicenter of AI Investments, Here’s What the Leaders Have to Say | MarketsGroup

Investors and consultants will ramp up their allocations to data centers through real assets and infrastructure portfolios, to support the growth of AI.

Steven Meier, who handles the $278 billion New York City retirement systems which includes five separate funds, seeks to make investments in software, chip development, data centers and sustainable energy infrastructure.

Keeping in mind AI’s impact on energy and environment, Meier says there are significant opportunities in debt strategies tha

Black Rock’s CEO Larry Fink Emphasizes to Federal Thrift the Importance of AI Infrastructure | MarketsGroup

Larry Fink, CEO and chairman of Black Rock indicated huge growth opportunities in AI infrastructure to build out the next generation of technology and power.

Fink believes in the need for infrastructure owing to how AI is utilizing power and energy.

In the recent board meeting of $725 billion Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, Fink said, “a more pragmatic approach to power and energy would be a combination of decarbonization and investing in hydrocarbons, for cheap and affordable ener

Microsoft unveils Windows Server 2025, discards WordPad

Microsoft's desktop and server operating system share numerous internal similarities and a common code base, but the more recent editions of Microsoft Server are significantly differentiated from the desktop operating system - and this looks set to continue. However, the matching build numbers may raise questions about the updated branding for Windows Server while Windows 11 retains its 2021 branding - for now at least.

In addition to the new branding the tech giant also revealed improvements i
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How hypothyroidism changes your relationship with food

If you do feel this way, you are not alone. Due to inconsistent and abnormal weight gain, hypothyroidism does change your relationship with food. Despite attaining hormonal (T3 and T4) balance, the changed relationship with food can lead to deteriorating mental health.

Carmel (34) was unaware of her hypothyroid until she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease when she was in her mid-twenties. She recalls how during high school she had an abnormal relationship with food. She would starve herself

Ukraine's Missing Children

It's the sort of photo everyone will recognise. A group of friends or classmates, perhaps cousins or relatives. This is a family of sorts, bound by an extraordinary fate which saw these children caught up in one of the Ukraine war's most chilling crimes: Russia's unlawful deportation of thousands of children.

This is the story of their ordeal at gunpoint, their incredible escape and the bravery of one woman - who risked everything to save them.

Last Christmas, Natalya Lutsyk cooked 15 differen

Sky-high rent, long commutes and little party time - welcome to uni life today

Talking about her university experience so far, student Louisa Shapton admits that on some mornings, she would find herself just bursting into tears.

That’s because for Louisa, and many other students living in the shadow of a pandemic while hurtling headfirst into a cost of living crisis, uni life is nothing like it said in the brochure.

Remote learning, lack of friends and little appropriate or affordable accommodation have all taken away any first tastes of freedom university once offered t

The Quarantine Disaster

The lockdown has capsuled us in our houses and most of us are either hungry or sleepy. I tried baking chocolate chip cookies for the first time. Like a noob, I googled secure recipes of famous bakers and wearing my visionary chef’s entered the kitchen the next morning. My mother was troubled by the thought of me being alone in the kitchen and couldn’t resist storming into the kitchen with her army. In a strained way, she hushed me out of the kitchen. But I could not let the chef inside me die ev

Gwenno Slams St David’s Hall Privatisation As “Selling Venue Down The River.”

As Cardiff Council rushes through plans to hand the beloved St David’s Hall over to a commercial operator, artists and performers are joining those protesting to save the venue’s future.

Performers and artists in Wales have rounded on Cardiff Council over its plans to allow a private firm to take over the running of St David’s Hall – one of the city’s most treasured public venues.

Acclaimed musician, singer and DJ Gwenno lambasted the move as one which sells the venue “down the river to neolib

Our senior citizens are in danger!

Our senior citizens are in danger!

Throughout the lockdown cases of rapes and assaults of females have been reported by the media, from minors to senior citizens, are women actually safe in India?

Recently in Uttar Pradesh, a 74-year-old lady was admitted to the hospital after a lung infection was diagnosed. At night, when the male nursing staff, who was in deep sleep and under the influence of alcohol, got annoyed by the constant request of the lady to take her to the washroom. They tied the

Breaking Taboos // Men's Mental Health

Join us at CUTV as we talk to Shresth Goel and Marco Ricci about the importance of Men's Mental Health. This unconventional conversation was a tricky topic but fun one at the same time! Through this video we hope to start more conversations around men's mental health. We look at how it can be sparked and the stereotype's that surround men which we should start to dismantle!

We would love to hear what you think and to start a conversation with us and others in the comments below.

Anchor/Director: Muskan Arora
Editor: Charlotte Carswell

My experience of culture shock as an international student in Wales

Stepping out of the London Heathrow airport, I recall the adrenaline rush in my body and slight goosebumps on my arms.

I had travelled for over eleven hours carrying all the inhibitions, doubts and excitement along. As I located the Cardiff University’s welcome team, I was ready to reach Cardiff and taste the true essence of freedom. The eighteen-year-old me was ready to fly.

My first day in Cardiff was a rollercoaster of emotions, as I was missing my family but was excited to experience a new

Resonating with Journos of the Future

Resonating with Journos of the Future

Resonating with Journos of the Future

Cardiff University student, Muskan Arora has praised Business News Wales’ upcoming Journos of the Future scheme.

Journos of the Future, a new initiative that will see the students mentored by members of the BNW team, is set to begin in November.

She adds that schemes like Journos of the Future will open a student\s skillset in a wider way.

Journos of the Future will see Business News Wales’ Multimedia Production Man
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Cardiff University graduate in BA Media Journalism and Culture

International multimedia journalist with a passion for empowering people through effective storytelling. Previous experience covering some of the biggest moves of the alternative asset management industry, the latest technology news, and youth-oriented stories based on the latest political and cultural news. Experience working in both Indian and UK newsrooms. Always on the lookout for the next challenge!